PERSEO boost
Each pedal is unique and entirely handmade in our Florence Factory.
We personally take care of every stage of production and testing, in order to guarantee the highest quality.
Purchase an effect now and we will start building it for you. Because of this you will need to wait for 30 working days to have Perseus at your home. Your waiting will eventually be completely rewarded. You will receive something unique! Perseus is a bronze sculpture made by Benvenuto Cellini, located in the Loggia dei Lanzi of Piazza della Signoria in Florence. The statue is famous for its languid pose and its excessive attention to details which make it unique. Perseus is represented with a dry physique and muscles pulled, intent on showing the head of Medusa, severed by a sword strike. The imaginary wants the blow to be fast and energetic. It seems impossible that all that strength came out of that slim and angelic body. The Perseus Boost is just so, simple for its control but, like a blade strike, it is extremely sharp and cared for in detail. It is an easy to use product, because it has only one control and, like Perseus, it is very powerful. (20db).
Shipping cost to Italy: €10 shipping cost to EU: €30 For non-EU countries we invite you to search our dealers or ask for informations
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